Monday, July 25, 2011

Are You Aware of the New Graduated Level 2 Driver's License Restrictions?

As of July 20, 2011 there are new restrictions on the Graduated Level 2 driver's license.  Please take a look at these new restrictions and make sure you or your son or daughter knows what they can and cannot do.

Graduated Driver's License Level 2 Restrictions

Graduated Driver License Level 2 restrictions have changed. Michigan Public Act 124 of 2011 amends the changes that were made in March 2011 and makes these new restrictions effective July 20, 2011. Under the recent changes, GDL Level 2 licensed drivers:
1.Graduated Driver License Level 2 restrictions have changed. Michigan Public Act 124 of 2011 amends the changes that were made in March 2011 and makes these new restrictions effective July 20, 2011. Under the recent changes, GDL Level 2 licensed drivers:
  • driving to or from or in the course of employment;
  • driving to or from an authorized activity; or
  • accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or a licensed driver 21 years of age or older designated by the parent or legal guardian.
2.Shall not operate a motor vehicle at any time with more than 1 passenger in the vehicle who is less than 21 years of age except:
  • when the additional passengers are immediate family members;
  • when driving to or from or in the course of employment;
  • while going to or from an authorized activity; or
  • when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or a licensed driver 21 years of age or older designated by the parent or legal guardian.
Authorized activity means any of the following:
(a)A school or a school-sanctioned event or activity. School means a public or private school, including a home school.
(b)A sporting event or activity, or extracurricular event or activity, that is not school-sanctioned but that is part of an official sports league or association or an official extracurricular club, or that is paid for as a service offered by a business specializing in those events or activities or training for those events or activities.
(c)A class or program of vocational instruction offered by a college, community college, nonprofit association, or unit of government or by a business specializing in vocational training.
(d)An event or activity sponsored by a religious organization that is tax-exempt under federal law.
(e)Transporting an individual in need of immediate emergency care or personal protection to a health care professional, hospital, police station, domestic violence shelter, or public safety location.

MTPD is now hiring!