MTPD Mission Statement and Values

The Meridian Township Police Department is committed to establishing and maintaining partnerships in our community; and with understanding, cooperation and equality we strive to enhance the quality of life and protect the rights of our community.
Compassion—We care for and empathize with our fellow human beings.
Courage—We face danger to ensure the safety of others. We will stand up for what is right. We will be brave when others may not. We strive to eliminate fear through our actions.
Excellence—We employ those who strive to achieve a higher standard. We listen to our employees and the members of our community to continually improve our effectiveness and reliability. We strive to exceed community and professional expectations.
Fairness—We will treat all individuals impartially. We will act in a just manner. We appreciate different points of view. We exercise discretion appropriately.
Integrity—We will fulfill our mission in its entirety using sound principles, honesty and sincerity.
Resourcefulness—We can be relied upon for help and support. We have the ability to deal with situations effectively. We build on our mutual experiences to effectively resolve problems.
Respect—We value the rights and beliefs of others. We are courteous. We treat others as we expect to be treated. We appreciate diversity.
Work Ethic—We are self-motivated and self-directed. We do what is asked and strive to achieve expectations. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

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