Saturday, December 3, 2011

Install it correctly and it could save your child

Install it correctly and it could save your child (a bit dramatic, but true).  One of the calls that police dread going to is a traffic crash involving small children. The picture to the left was taken at an accident recently where a properly installed child safety seat saved a child from injury.  The dark vehicle (foreground) was hit broadside by the red vehicle ( in the background).  In the opinion of an Officer who was on scene (and is trained in the inspection and installation of child safety seats) the proper installation and use of the safety seat saved the child from injury.

The first step is choosing the right safety seat for the age and weight of your child.  The info graphic to  the right can be one resource to get you headed down the right path.  The next step we recommend is to contact your local police department and make an appointment with an officer who is trained in the installation/inspection of safety seats.  It can be difficult to find time, especially with a new baby at home, but have an Officer check your installation of the safety seat to ensure it was done properly.

The Meridian Township Police Department has three employees who are trained to help you with installing and inspecting your safety seat.  We offer this service free of charge for Meridian Township residents.  If you would like to take advantage of this service call 517-853-4800.  Sergeant Lound, Officer Lysik or Officer Metts will make an appointment with you to ensure your safety seat is installed properly.

MTPD is now hiring!