Friday, December 30, 2011

Crime Alert Update

The Lodges
As we told you about in our earlier crime alert we have seen an up-tic in home invasions in some areas in our community.  Since the beginning of December the Maple Ridge neighborhood and the Lodges and Nemoke Trails apartment complexes have been targeted.

The thieves are targeting apartments and condos that have unlocked windows and sliding glass doors. Thus far they have been stealing personal electronics (computers, gaming consoles, etc.).

We are asking that residents lock their windows, doors and use a wooden dowel in their sliding glass doors to increase the security of their homes.  Also, as always watch out for yourself and your neighbors. If you see someone or something suspicious please call 911.

MTPD also has a vacation property watch program.  If you plan on being away from your home you can register to have Officers check on your home when you are away. You can register by calling us at (517) 853-4800 or online by visiting our Facebook page, webpage, or by clicking on the Property Check Request link on the right of this page.

MTPD is now hiring!