On Saturday, June 6, 2015, Meridian Township Police will
hold a child safety seat inspection event.
Officers will inspect child safety seats for proper installation.
Inspections will be done at the Meridian Township Police Department Public
Safety Building, 5151 Marsh Road, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. There is no fee for the inspection.
The proper use of child safety seats is the most effective
way to protect children involved in a motor vehicle crash – which is the
leading cause of death for children ages 3-14 in the United States. As high as 84 percent of child restraints
show critical misuses. The most common forms of misuse are using the wrong seat
for the child’s age and weight, loose safety belt attachment to the car seat
and loose harness straps on the child. When installed and used correctly, child
safety seats and safety belts can prevent injuries and save lives.