MTPD History

MTPD History

In February 1948, Ingham County Sheriff’s Department deployed its first patrol vehicle to the suburban areas adjacent to Lansing, East Lansing and Lake Lansing. By April 13, 1950, Meridian Township began contracting police protection at the rate of $250.00 a month. On July 12, 1959, Ingham County Sheriff’s Department had two deputies assigned to patrol Meridian Township. By May 15, 1967 that number had grown to five deputies.

As township continued to grow and so did the need for police protection. Meridian Township officials wanted to form their own police department and operate independently from the Ingham County Sheriff’s Department. On December 15, 1979, the move was made and Meridian Township swore in 24 officers.  At midnight, the switch from brown uniforms to the dark blue uniforms worn today. The switch was also made from Ingham County Central Dispatch to the East Lansing Dispatch Center where the officers received their calls.

Public Safety Officers
In 1992, the Police Department moved into its new building next to the Meridian Township Offices. The community continued to grow and the desire to put more officers on the street resurfaced again in 1995. Chief Jay Kohl and Meridian Township officials devised a plan to integrate the Police and Fire Departments into one Public Safety Department. Many of the Police Officers began receiving fire training and some of the Fire Fighters received police training at the police academy. Any individuals hired during this time frame were Public Safety Officers(police and fire).The township struggled with the integration and by 1998 the decision was made to separate the Public Safety Department back into the traditional police and fire departments.
At its highest point in 2001, the Meridian Township Police Department had 46 sworn police officers, today the department stands at 40 sworn officers with three vacancies. The department consists of a Police Chief (Chief David Hall), two Lieutenants, seven Sergeants and thirty Officers. There are six support staff personnel and eight cadets.

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